Coffee with the Principal & ELAC meeting Please join us on April 14th for our Coffee with the Principal & ELAC Meeting in person. Please stop by the office to sign in.
School Site Council Meeting Join us virtually on Wednesday, March 16 th at 2:45 p.m. for our School Site Council meeting where we will do an analysis of our Carmela SPSA.
Coffee with the Principal & ELAC meeting Please join us on February 10, 2022, for our Coffee with the Principal and ELAC meeting. We will talk about reclassification & ELPAC.
Coffee with the Principal & ELAC meeting Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. over zoom. ID: 960 8045 6754Passcode: 837745
School Site Council Meeting Join us Thursday, December 16th at 2:45 pm. The agenda is Included in this message.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 976 4586 4338Passcode: 050206
Coffee with the Principal & ELAC meeting Thursday, October 28th at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom ID: 917 5404 2276Passcode: 208992