Ms. Lucilla Gutierrez » Welcome To Back to School Night

Welcome To Back to School Night

Back to School Night

Room #20’s Classroom Handbook

Welcome to Back to School Night at Carmela Elementary School, and to your child’s classroom. I am so glad you could be here! My name is

Ms. Gutierrez and I look forward to partnering with you to make the most of your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by telephone, e-mail, or with a simple note.

Ms. Gutierrez

Carmela School 562-941-2132

Room #20 Fourth Grade

E-mail address: [email protected]


Daily Schedule:

            8:00 – 8:15                 Opening

            8:15 – 8:45                 Wonders / ELD

            8:45 – 10:00              Language Arts / Reading

            10:00 – 10:15            Recess

            10:15 – 11:40            Mathematics (M/F)

            10:15 – 11:15            P.E. T/TH (Wednesday 10:15-11:00)

            11:40 – 12:20            Lunch

            12:20 – 1:30              continue Math T/TH

            1:30 -    2:00              continue Language Arts / UA

            2:00 –   2:25               Science / Social Studies

            2:25                            Dismissal

            *Mondays are early released days (1:10)

Rules & Consequences:

An important part of character education is observing and respecting classroom rules. To enable all students to progress as rapidly and successfully as possible in all academic areas, I will insist upon the best possible learning environment. A good environment requires the following behaviors.

My Class Rules:

1.      Follow directions the first time given.

2.      Work quietly.

3.      Respect the property of the school and others.

4.      Be prepared for class daily.

5.      Respect each other as you would like to be respected.

If A Student Chooses To Break a Rule:

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Note or call home.
  3. Owes 20 minutes of detention after school.
  4. Parent conference.
  5. Send to the principal’s office.

Students Who Behave Will Earn:

  1. Dolphin dollars.
  2. Homework Pass or get Detention Pass.
  3. Certificate or positive phone call to parents.
  4. Games/free time doing educational things.
  5. Lunch with the teacher.


Home is important and valuable in helping your child make the most of his/her school experience. It reinforces what has been learned in class, extends and generalizes concepts, and also helps teaching responsibility and develops positive study habits.

Therefore, I assign homework Monday through Thursday for at least 90 minutes per night. If there are any questions about any assignments, your child is to ask me before he/she leaves for the day. I am confident each child can complete the study skill assignment on his/her own, but there may be a time when your child may need your assistance.

Grading Criteria:

Your child will be evaluated meeting Common Core State Standards in reading, writing, math, listening and speaking.

Grades are based on weekly assessments, chapter, and unit test.

                                                4 – Standard Exceeded         (90-100%)

                                                3 -  Standard Met                 (71-89%)

                                                2 -  Standard Nearly Met       (60-70%)

                                                1 – Standard Not Met            (0-59%)

Unsatisfactory Notices are sent out two weeks before the end of the Trimester.

General Information and/or Request


Remind your child to wear his/her uniform and take pride in being part of the Carmela Team.

Lunch Tickets

Please pay your child’s breakfast and/or lunch every morning before school starts or make he/she has lunch money for the week.


If your child will not attend school, please call office at 941-2132 or send a note with your child the following morning.

Parent Notes

Please remind your child to give you the Wednesday envelope, so you can be informed of upcoming events or parent information. Please sign and return the following day.

Things to do with your child:

Ask your child about their day and what they learned.

Provide them a quiet place for homework.

Listen to your child read and ask them questions about the story.

Parents can also read to their child.

Practice and master multiplication facts up to 12!

Practice handwriting in cursive every night.

Encourage your child to get to bed early (no later than 9:00 p.m.)

Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast every morning.

Please take your child to have an eye exam.

Parents, please support our school

Volunteer and/or join PTA

Thank you,

Ms. Gutierrez

Thank you for coming tonight, I know we’re going to have a great year!